The best place to start for the most comprehensive information and list of resources related to domestic violence, regardless of sexual identification and orientation, including information on domestic violence shelters, is the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1.800.799.SAFE and www.thehotline.org
An excellent resource for information on healthy teen relationships, signs of unhealthy relationships, and what to do to prevent and respond to teen dating violence is “Love is Respect” at https://www.loveisrespect.org/ 1-866-331-9474, or text LOVEIS to 22522.
Another resource for general information related to all of these issues is Futures Without Violence at: https://www.futureswithoutviolence.org/.
Refer to the wealth of resources provided by The Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University at https://developingchild.harvard.edu/
For understanding the traumatic impact of domestic violence on children, view the video “First Impressions: Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain,” Office of the Attorney General, State of California below: